About Us

Welcome to Johnguides, Your Go-To Source for Cooking, Tech, and Everything In-Between!

Our Mission

At Johnguides, we believe in the power of versatility and passion. Our mission is to provide you with a wide range of engaging content that not only informs but also inspires. Whether you’re a food enthusiast, a tech guru, or someone who loves exploring various domains, we’ve got something for everyone!

What We Offer

  • Culinary Delights: Dive into our cooking section for mouth-watering recipes, kitchen hacks, and the latest trends in gastronomy. From traditional dishes to modern culinary techniques, we aim to make cooking a delightful experience for all.
  • Tech at Your Fingertips: Stay ahead of the curve with our in-depth reviews and analyses of the latest tech products. We cover everything from smartphones to smart home devices, ensuring you’re well-informed to make the best tech choices.
  • A Kaleidoscope of Topics: Our passion doesn’t stop at cooking and tech. We delve into a plethora of other subjects including DIY crafts, fitness tips, travel adventures, and much more. Our content is designed to cater to your curious and diverse interests.

Our Team

Our dedicated team comprises experienced chefs, tech enthusiasts, and seasoned writers, each bringing a unique perspective and expertise to the table. We’re committed to providing high-quality, reliable, and engaging content that resonates with our diverse audience.

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Get In Touch

Have a question, suggestion, or want to collaborate? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us at [admin@johnguides.com] or through our social media channels.


Shannon Everett is an accomplished writer and an expert in home appliances and cooking. With a degree in Home Economics, she combines her passion for culinary arts with a deep understanding of kitchen technologies. Shannon has contributed to various home and lifestyle magazines, offering insights into the effective use of modern kitchen tools. Beyond her professional expertise, she is an avid cook, experimenting with global cuisines in her well-equipped kitchen. Shannon actively shares her knowledge and culinary adventures through her blog and social media channels.

Email: austinaugust.info@gmail.com

Kyle Lane is a dynamic Market Researcher specializing in home interiors, decorations, and furniture. With a keen eye for emerging trends and a deep understanding of consumer preferences, Kyle plays a pivotal role in shaping the products and designs that make homes beautiful and functional. His expertise in analyzing market data and identifying potential opportunities has been instrumental in guiding companies towards products and designs that resonate with contemporary tastes and lifestyles. Passionate about creating spaces that reflect individuality and comfort, Kyle’s insights have consistently led to successful product launches and satisfied customers. His ability to blend analytical skills with creative vision makes him a valuable asset in the home decor industry.

Email: austinaugust.info@gmail.com

Drew Blocker is a renowned expert in the field of laptops and mobile technology. With a deep passion for the latest in tech, Drew has spent years immersing himself in the world of computing and mobile devices. His expertise ranges from hardware analysis to software solutions, making him a go-to consultant for both individual tech enthusiasts and large corporations. Drew’s insights and reviews are highly sought after in tech circles, and he frequently contributes to popular tech blogs and magazines. Beyond his technical know-how, Drew is known for his ability to explain complex tech concepts in an accessible way, making him a favorite among a broad audience ranging from beginners to tech experts.

Email: kayleelyla.info@gmail.com