How Tos

Are Air Fryer Liners Good to Use? Exploring the Pros and Cons

Are Air Fryer Liners Good to Use
Written by Shannon Everett

Air fryers have revolutionized the way we cook, offering a healthier alternative to traditional frying methods. But with the rise in their popularity, air fryer liners have also become a topic of discussion. Are they a beneficial addition to your cooking routine, or do they defeat the purpose of air frying? Let’s delve into the pros and cons.

Pros of Using Air Fryer Liners

  1. Ease of Cleaning: One of the most significant advantages of using air fryer liners is the ease of cleaning. They prevent food from sticking to the air fryer basket, which can be a nuisance to clean. With liners, you simply remove them after cooking and dispose of them, leaving your air fryer basket almost spotless.
  2. Protection for Your Air Fryer: Regular use can lead to wear and tear of the air fryer basket. Liners act as a protective layer, reducing direct contact between the food and the basket, thus prolonging the life of your air fryer.
  3. Prevents Food from Sticking: Certain foods are prone to sticking, and liners can be a savior in these situations. They ensure that delicate items like fish or cheese don’t stick to the basket, preserving the quality of your meal.

Cons of Using Air Fryer Liners

  1. Potential to Block Heat Circulation: Air fryers work by circulating hot air around the food. If a liner obstructs this air flow, it can lead to uneven cooking. It’s essential to choose liners that are perforated to allow for air circulation.
  2. Additional Expense: While not overly expensive, air fryer liners are an additional cost to consider. For those looking to economize, this might be a downside.
  3. Environmental Concerns: Disposable liners, especially those not made from eco-friendly materials, contribute to waste. For environmentally conscious consumers, this can be a significant drawback.

Choosing the Right Liner

If you decide to use liners, it’s crucial to choose the right type. There are two main kinds: parchment paper liners and silicone liners. Parchment liners are disposable and usually come pre-cut with perforations. Silicone liners are reusable and can be a more eco-friendly option. Whichever type you choose, ensure it’s the right size for your air fryer to avoid covering important air vents.


Air fryer liners can be a useful tool for those prioritizing convenience and ease of cleaning. However, it’s important to weigh these benefits against the potential downsides, like environmental impact and the cost of replacements. Ultimately, whether or not to use air fryer liners depends on your personal cooking preferences and priorities. Like any kitchen tool, they have their place but are not an absolute necessity for enjoying the benefits of air frying.

About the author

Shannon Everett

Shannon Everett is an accomplished writer and an expert in home appliances and cooking. With a degree in Home Economics, she combines her passion for culinary arts with a deep understanding of kitchen technologies. Shannon has contributed to various home and lifestyle magazines, offering insights into the effective use of modern kitchen tools. Beyond her professional expertise, she is an avid cook, experimenting with global cuisines in her well-equipped kitchen. Shannon actively shares her knowledge and culinary adventures through her blog and social media channels.

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